Manual Notes

This is a recap of fundamental game info in the manual. It assumes a basic knowledge of central FRC concepts. These include but are not limited to:

If you are not familiar with these concepts, please instead read the manual or ask a team mentor.

Manual link
Livestream Link

Field Layout

All labels are explained in the following section.

Game Objects and Concepts

Game Piece

A purple inflatable cube or a yellow traffic cone.

Staging Mark

A field mark where Game Pieces are set before the game

Center Line

A field mark that bisects the field.

Charge Station

Field Tour Video

A balancing platform that is used twice in a match. More info in the "Game Procedure" section.

Docked robot

A robot that is only contacting the Charge Station and/or other objects fully supported by the Charge Station.

Engaged robot

A robot that is docked while:

The two terms above are relevant in the "Game Procedure" section.


Field Tour Video

A scoring area.


A scoring rod or platform on the Grid.


Three filled Nodes in a row.


A "safe zone" of sorts for each team.


Field Tour Video

The area where human players give Game Pieces beyond the four on the Staging Marks to robots. May seem familiar if you played Rapid React.

Loading Zone

The area where robots go to receive Game Pieces from human players.

Other videos on the FRC 2023 playlist:

Alliance Area

Cube Measuring Jig (For proper inflation of Game Piece cubes)

Game Procedure

Autonomous (Auto)

Teleoperated (Teleop)


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